Thursday, October 1, 2009

Yahoo Meme

Meme by Yahoo was considered by many as a Twitter-clone but it turned out to be notch above Twitter with ability to share Photos, Videos and Music in addition to Text. Also people can comment on your posts. But having said that similarities with Twitter include a Retweet like feature of Twitter called 'Repost'. And of-course you can follow and get followed by people.

For me it was a more simpler Tumblr, but more glorified and hyped by Yahoo. There are a few default themes given for namesake. The overall look and feel is great and its way simpler and easier to use. It could very well be a competition for Tumblr, Posterous and likes of it, if not for Twitter.

My Meme

It is in Alpha stage(version) and invite based and you get the invite within a day or so if you request for one at Yahoo Meme Homepage.
But if you cant wait for Yahoo Meme invites, leave your ID's below in the comments, I'll send them asap. I've got a dozen of invite. A follow back is not necessary, if you dont want to.

Until next time.

PS: Please never leave you ID in proper format anywhere on the web as it leads to spam in your inbox. Please leave Your ID in the following format your-id[at]your-provider[dot]com
For example if your ID is, type it as bigboytoby12[at]yahoo[dot]com


Unknown said...

cool dude...

I really dint know about these things. I only knew twitter. So keep writng more on such stuff.

And I want the invite :-)


Unknown said...

the repost feature is really nice.

Paul Tarjan said...

If you want your posts to go from twitter -> meme or meme -> twitter you can use:

(disclaimer, I built it)