First step:
You could start by setting the permissions for Opera Mini, allowing it to connect to net always, this will remove the need to do so manually every time you start Opera Mini.
"Key" Key:
The master key to Opera Mini is the number key "1", its like your right click. On a link it gives you the option to open the link in a new page, on a picture it gives you the option to open the image or save the image and on a normal page pressing it allows you select the text. In Bookmarks and Saved Pages it acts similar to selecting the manage option.
Note: Also, pressing and holding the center key of your D-pad serves the same purpose as the number key ‘1’.
Speed Dials:
When Opera Mini 5 came in first, people couldn’t find option to change the defaults Sites in Speed dial. They can be changed by pressing the same Number key ‘1’ and then assigning a new one.
Copying on page text content:
Copied text from a page and can’t place it on other apps and messages on your phone? There is a work around way which can help, but needs your phone to support text copying and pasting. Copy the text from a page by selecting it from a page by pressing the number key ‘1’, next place it from where you want the selection to begin and press “Start” and then move it to where you want the selection to end and press “Use”. Then instead of “Copy”, select “Search With..” Now when the text appears in search bar, use the phones Copy Text option. Now you are free to paste the text in other apps and messages.
Note: This blog post is based on Opera Mini 5 on Sony Ericsson K530i. The latest version of Opera Mini is Opera Mini 5.1 which is a minor upgrade over Opera Mini 5. Most of the procedures will function similarly on other phones too.
Until next time.
Also try opera:config in address bar and get few more options and settings
Thanks for that one, didn't know about that one.. :)
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