Monday, January 12, 2009

Changing Twitter Username.

Ever wanted a Username on Twitter and found it taken but not in use*. Well, then you just might get that one username you always wanted. All you need to do is send an email to Twitter and message in following format..

Send your mail to
Subject - Change of Username.

In the message body write your existing Username and on next line the username you desire. In the next line you should mention whether you would like the username in the existing account or a new account.

The exact format being below:

To :
Subject : Change of Username
Message :
Existing Username - (The one you use now)
Desired Username - (The username you found)
I would like to use the new username with the existing account or new account.

You will recieve a mail from twitter within 15mins. It will have a pre-scripted message asking you cover the above info if you haven't already done so and it also informs you that the process could take 5-6 days(In my and most of the cases it hardly takes two days).

If you're paranoid about the situation you can reply to this mail with all the above information again.
Now all you need to do is sit back and wait.

Note- You don't loose any tweets, followers, replies and DM's. And you can tweet in the duration while the changes are happening.

*The username you desire should not be used since 6 months or should not be updated ever.

Until next time.


Quiz_Master said...


Though I'm already using the one I want... I know lots of my friends will find this info useful :)

Sumeet said...

Really, I though you could use the one 'QuizMaster'.. I think its not being used..

Vigneshwar said...

my twitter

Liam Vickery said...

Thanks for sharing this so clearly man. I've heard of this before, but you explained exactly the process. Not that I need it, haha, but cool anyway. Cheers - Liam. (@liamvickery)